History of our library


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Excerpts were taken from Globe-Free Press Centennial History 1869-1969.

To read the whole story visit the library.


In October 1901 we read in the Globe columns that "A public library is being talked about for Grand Junction. Many of our leading citizens feel this is the first great need of our city at present"

In the following years books were made available to residents by various means. Leading citizens had fine home libraries and very graciously shared their books with their friends. Drug stores often had a few books on a shelf which they rented out to the public. Grand Junction people were delighted to have the use of a library in 1908 when the Cosmopolitan Universal Library placed a set of 600 volumes (in the drug store), which they could borrow for a small fee. Families were urged to subscribe and pay the fee so the family could begin using the books.

Frank Griffin was very interested in a public library and gave a party for children and the admission "fee" was to bring a book to be donated to the town library.

When the new school building was completed and ready for use in 1915 the schoolboard offered the use of one of the rooms in the new building for a public library. The school also stated it would add some 200 volumes of the school library to it with the stipulation that a library association be formed. The citizens of the town immediately called a town meeting and a Library Association was formed on November 29, 1915. A constitution was adopted and officers elected.

Members of the various woman's clubs of the city volunteered to take turns as librarians. Immediately groups set about raising funds for the new library, for books and equipment.

The Grand Junction Library opened in its room at the schoolhouse January 4, 1916, with a reception and a "book shower".

There was much discussion about finding a building for the library, but no progress was made until 1922. The Legion Memorial Hall was built and in March 1923 the library was moved to the restroom of the Legion Hall.

In February 1924 the city of Grand Junction took over the management of the library.

The depression ended, and eventually there got to be too many books for the room in the Legion Hall so the library was moved to new quarters above the fire station.When a support beam was removed in the fire station it was feared the floor of the library would cave in so the library was moved to a room behind the fire station in 1950.

In 1959-60 the Twentieth Century Club volunteered to catalogue the books at the library as a club project..

The town council purchased the former Snook Grocery Store building in 1964. The library was moved to the building after renovations were complete. The "new" library was opened Friday, February 5, 1965.

Funds were raised for the new library building in 1989-90. The new building sits on the site of the Legion Hall.

The library is now home to over 9,000 books, nearly 400 movies (DVD), 5 Internet computers, and wireless access, many magazine subscriptions, puzzles, cake pans, audio books (CD), a meeting room and much more.


Interested in more history? Check out the Iowa Historical Society.